'http://SEALgrinderPT.com - Former Navy SEAL and Fitness Coach Brad McLeod shows a Navy SEAL frog grinder PT workout using bodyweight exercises to strengthen your Abs and Core. For more exercises and stretches go to http://www.sealgrinderpt.com Check out the our part 1 ab workout here - http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1DU9HpE47ck http://youtu.be/MIclYoGeMfw'
Tags: bodyweight training , ab workouts , bodyweight workouts , navy seal training , navy seal workouts , leg levers , Brad McLeod , ab scissor , jackknife ab exercise , hollow rock ab exercise , ab toe touch
See also: Chicken , arbeitsplatz , Latest Update , Sony Interactive Entertainment , ass , military , vlogger , Music , kids fitness , Felicia Romero